For some reason no one could explain, the only way to get to Aloha Tower Marketplace (where the ship docks) with luggage is by taxi. The city bus or trolley will not let you take more than what you can put on your lap. We did, however, arrive at the terminal in style ... Limo! Many of the cabs in Honolulu are limos and we just lucked out.
Waiting to board the ship was made easier with food and entertainment. The American Hawaii Cruise line provided fresh fruit salad and juice/tea/coffee while you were entertained with Polynesian music and dancers. This certainly made the wait to board easier. 2 p.m. came and we were the first up the escalator to be greeted by the staff and an orchid lei placed around our neck. Next it was pictures, up the gangplank, and greeted by a crew member who escorted us to our cabin. I could not have choosen a better cabin. Ohana Deck, 165. Close to everything, an outside cabin (which means it has a porthole) and at the end of the hall, not on a main hall which had more traffic. I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the room, for what I thought was going to be a small room, turned out to be great and much larger than I imaged.
Tour of the ship:
A welcome aboard snack was served from 2:30-5 at the Ohana Buffet and of the many things offered that Saturday, we chose wine tasting at 2:30 in the Ohana Lounge, started our tour of the ship at 3:15 from the Kama'aina Lounge, left Ed touring so I could go down at 4 to the Hoi Hoi Showplace for the shore excursions briefings for Kauai. An open seating Welcome Aboard Dinner started at 5 in either dining room, then it was up to Ohana Deck to listen to some Polynesian music, enjoy the Hawaiian Royal Procession which included Hawaii's traditional costumes spanning the ages, then a fashion show which showed you how to wear and tie the pareau. We meet the crew at 7 followed at 7:30 by a Polynesian spectacular. At 8:30 we had a fire and abondon ship drill and learned where our muster stations were and how to wear the life vests and rescue equipment. At 9:15 it was back to the Ohana Deck for more entertainment and as we got ready to set sail from Honolulu, we tossed streamers on deck (so as not to polute the water), more entertainment, followed by the Hang Loose Party in the Ohana Lounge at which we participated in one of their games and I won a Cruise Line mug. Lots of fun.
Each night a Tradewinds newsletter is left on your bed which lists special events, tour info, and scheduled activities for the next day and you can do as much or as little as you choose.
A few pictures from Day 3 ...
Aloha Tower by Day
Aloha Tower by Night
American Hawaii Cruise Vacation
is created, edited & maintained by
Linda-Jeanne Dolby © 1998
This page may be freely linked to, but not copied without my consent.